#TBT to 2016 : Unity Wins

Throwback Tuesday to 2016, and more relevant with each passing day.

“Regarding the present landscape, I have received many messages expressing extreme fear and concern for the future of our public lands and wild horses. No matter the side you stand, the present and future are on us and we must all be fully engaged. In this moment we must galvanize in the name of our oneness, love, kindness, and respect for all living beings. This is what we teach our children. We stand against darkness, hatred, and fear. We mustn't give away our energy and take any bait that pulls us off course. We do not concede to these lowest frequencies of being, this is not our true humanity. We must rise together on behalf of our collective well-being. We must assure our children of our deep roots in truth, strength, and unity. We must act our love, more than ever before, show our children that we do not buy into division, xenophobia, lies, disrespect, misogyny or vindictiveness. This present outcome does not dim our lights, this requires us to shine even brighter than before. This is the wall we will build by standing together and not allowing darkness to take root and grow. We see clearly what we are not, and what we will not allow ourselves to become. We're the same, we are together. We are compassion, love, and unity, not fear and anger. Darkness has not won because we will not sit idly by and allow such a thing to happen. Complacency has no home here, only constructive action, strength, and wherewithal. All must walk their talk, not sit on the sidelines. We outshine as one, for our greatest strength is in working together on behalf of our greater good. Love is action.”

- Andrea Maki, November 2016


Wild Love + Wild Wilds

Wild Love Preserve’s multi-faceted approach to wild horse conservation on native turf began in 2010. Following the 2012 Challis-Idaho BLM helicopter roundup, our WLP-BLM collaborative Native PZP 1YR pilot program took root with two bands of Challis wild horses the Idaho BLM agreed to leave untouched, and in years following expanded to address the whole of the Challis HMA.
2019 marks the sixth year of our humane and collaborative Native PZP fertility management program which has proven successful in slowing population growth with free-roaming wild horses on the Challis HMA darting with the BLM on the range, and with Wild Love’s adopted wild horses. By design, Wild Love’s adopted Idaho wild horses also serve as our control herd because management on our private preserve mirrors our collaborative work on public lands. Native PZP has enabled us to keep our numbers at roughly 136 over the last six years, and we’ve witnessed firsthand that it does not result in adverse behavioral issues, does not impact band or herd dynamics, has not altered the natural breeding season, does not negatively impact the fetus or cause birth defects if a pregnant wild mare is darted, and we have healthy babies born to our wild mares ensuring genetic viability.

Learn more about Wild Love’s boots-on-the-ground implementation over the last nine years:

Wild Love + Wild Wilds


Idaho Gives - Happening Now!

Idaho Gives + 24 Hrs of Giving Starts Now!

IDAHO GIVES  kicks off now + you can participate from wherever you are on planet Earth! Please join us for this special 24 hours of giving to support the preservation of Idaho’s wild horses on native turf + respective wild places as an interconnected whole. Visit our campaign page here: 


Donations + sponsorships of all kinds, including check by mail + wire transfers, count towards our fundraising efforts. So, in addition to donating directly on our Idaho Gives page, here are more options: 

6 Ways To Support Wild Love



Andrea Maki + Team Wild Love

Flashback Friday to May 2014

#FlashbackFriday to days gone by.... Here’s this feature story Karole Honas did about Wild Love Preserve for Ch8 News back in May 2014 when we still had our wild guys and gals separate as per BLM requirements. That August we finally were able to turn them out together to our leased 400-acres thanks to a generous donation from The Earth and Humanity Foundation.
“Andrea Maki, an artist from the state of Washington, has done the impossible. She has gotten the Bureau of Land Management, the community of Challis and Custer County, the area cattle ranchers and environmentalists to work together with WLP. If this model for mustang management works, it could save the wild mustangs, the environment they live in and bring new money to the tiny town of Challis…. and finally be a solution for wild horse management across the West.” — Karole Honas, Ch8/ABC Nightly News, Idaho Falls, May 2014

Earth Day 2019

Today we celebrate Earth Day, and every day we do the work. I am sharing this relevant message from the time of the inception of Wild Love, which is an extension of my artwork in the studio.
"I am all the forces with which I come in contact. I am the wind and the rain. The stars, the light, the in between. The waves, the trees, the animals and winged ones. The thundering hooves. We are one. Resonate with One. May your days be filled with good energy and the joy of new and deeper truths and discoveries. May eyes, hearts and arms open to the reality of the family we are: reflections of one another. One, simply in different packages - whether you or I, he or she, the animals, birds or trees, the water, the wind.
May the wild, stay wild. The free, roam free. May the thrill of Universal oneness fill all with compassion and understanding, rising above all drawn lines. May all humans, the two-legged ones, come to fully understand that we are but a mere part of the whole, and that within that whole lies a very delicate balance, which must be respected, now and forever, for all generations to come.
As humans we have a responsibility, and we have a choice. To walk this earth must not be taken for granted. It is our responsibility to protect and care for the land. To respect the earth and all its’ inhabitants, acting with conscience and awareness. One does not harm that which one respects, for it is understood one only harms oneself in the process, and in turn impacts the whole.
Life requires our participation, to fully engage. Wild Love Preserve is about all of us, as a whole, a reflection of our humanity. Wild Love chooses to be that which we wish to see in our mirror: love, respect, compassion, understanding, tolerance, and the appreciation of lessons learned versus mistakes repeated. Wild Love believes in our better selves. We are stronger together and can achieve more by opening doors and walking in versus turning our backs. At times it may seem easier to turn a blind eye, however that comes with consequence. We are all in this life, this conscious state, together, so together let's be.”

- Andrea Maki, Founder, 2010


An Honor For Wild Love This Earth Day

Wild Love Preserve is thrilled to announce an extraordinary honor this Earth Day. Denis Hayes, the Founder of Earth Day, and President and CEO of the Bullitt Foundation, has selected Wild Love Preserve to be featured in his Earth Day 2019 Profile Fund of well-respected nonprofits to support. Denis Hayes, like Stone Gossard and Pearl Jam Vitalogy Foundation, recognize the way in which native wild horses lead our way to protecting indigenous ecosystems as an interconnected whole, and our appreciation is truly beyond measure.

Visit the Denis Hayes Portfolio Fund here: bit.ly/EarthDayGV

“This is not but a mere fenced wild horse sanctuary. The objective of Wild Love Preserve is the protection and preservation of native ecosystems as an interconnected and balanced whole. Great beauty and benefit lie in the fact, indigenous wild horses offer such a unique opportunity to achieve this intent by walking new paths together.” -Andrea Maki, Founder + President

Repost of "Not A Fan Or An Apologist"

As result of recent communications I am reposting “Not A Fan Or An Apologist” from January 4, 2018 which addresses a March 2017 inquiry. -AM
Numerous conversations have followed the Bureau of Land Management's National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board Meeting from October 2017 in Grand Junction, Colorado. This nine-seat volunteer advisory board is to represent all stakeholders and provides their recommendations in regards to the BLM's methods of management of America's wild horses under the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.
Recently I was asked again why the Advisory Board was apparently quick to dismiss discussion of Wild Love Preserve's model in addressing all facets of regional wild horse population on home turf. I cannot speak for board members, nor was I able to be in attendance for the October meeting, however, I thought to share my March 2017 response to the Advisory Board, when I was questioned as being an apologist, or fan, of one stakeholder over another.
"I’m not a fan or an apologist of anyone, that is antithetical to the mission of Wild Love Preserve, our all-inclusive approach to nurturing indigenous ecosystems as a balanced whole, and responsibly managing regional wild horse populations on native turf with community engagement and benefit. I don’t find the blame game to be an effective path to opening lines of communication between differing stakeholders. My interest is in engaging in discussions that lead to solutions through listening and mutual respect. This is an accountability project and a humanity project. Wild Love Preserve works with the Bureau of Land Management, cattle ranchers, environmentalists, wildlife biologists, wild horse advocates, youth employment groups and regional communities, offering a mutually viable solution to helicopter roundups and removals. My role over the years, has, in many ways, been that of a moderator. Since 2010, Wild Love Preserve has been fully engaged in collaborative population management, accountability and pro-active programs that involve all stakeholders and address the health and balance of the range and this unique indigenous ecosystem as an interconnected and balanced whole. While differing opinions are a given, mutual respect in negotiations and dealings are integral in establishing common ground. We do not implement tools of litigation, instead, we work face-to-face with all stakeholders, finding compromise between differing perspectives through fluid communications in real-time."  -Andrea Maki, March 2017

See WLP focal points below. Learn more about our collaborative range-work at Wild Wilds.

• Success requires fluid co-existence between stakeholders, vested interest by the region, community engagement and benefit.

• Humane, fiscally responsible, sustainable population management, Native PZP-1YR.

• Nurture the legacy of western wild horses in conjunction with all indigenous wildlife species within this unique ecosystem on our public lands.

• Fluid co-existence with livestock where applicable.

• Support a healthy, genetically viable native herd and ecosystem, in a lasting manner for future generations to equally experience, nurture, treasure.

Learn more about the mission of Wild Love Preserve.





For the last nine years Wild Love Preserve has worked to protect and humanely manage the Challis wild horses collaboratively with the Challis-Idaho BLM and stakeholders, so we are sharing this information if you would like to comment.
As it relates to the Challis Herd Management Area, the Idaho Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is conducting its annual public hearing to discuss the use of motorized vehicles and aircraft in the monitoring and management of wild horses on public lands on April 18, from 3-5 p.m. at the Marsing American Legion Community Hall, 126 S. Second Ave., Marsing, ID.
The BLM plans to use helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft and other motorized vehicles to estimate population numbers for wild horse herds throughout Idaho. The hearing will also consider the use of motorized vehicles to transport gathered wild horses and to conduct field monitoring activities.
Comments submitted to BLM must include your address, phone number, email, or other personal identifying information in your comment. Please be aware your entire comment–including your personal identifying information–may be made publicly available at any time. While you may request we withhold your personal information from public view, we cannot guarantee we will be able to do so.
To make oral or written statements to present at the hearing, contact the wild horse and burro specialist for the Boise District at (208) 384-3300, the wild horse and burro specialist for the Challis Field Office at (208) 879-6200, or the wild horse and burro specialist for the Jarbidge Field Office at (208) 736-2060.
Background: Watch KPVI news feature from 2016 about Wild Love Preserve’s pro-active collaborative work with the Challis BLM: The Balancing Act of the Challis Wild Horses

For the last 9 years Wild Love Preserve has worked to protect and humanely manage the Challis wild horses. Thank you in advance for sharing comments in support of Wild Love Preserve’s collaborative work on the Challis HMA and our population management program implementing Native PZP-1YR, which commenced following the 2012 Challis BLM Helicopter Roundup, as a humane and responsible solution to wild horse management on public lands, versus helicopter roundups and removals at taxpayer expense. Wild Love Preserve's wild horse conservation programs, on and off the range, have saved taxpayers over $7.5 million dollars since 2013. Watch Wild Love Preserve's narrated video story.

In 2012 Wild Love Preserve received grants from the ASPCA and the Vitalogy Foundation for five WLP volunteers to train at the Science and Conservation Center and receive EPA required certification to remotely deliver Native PZP-1YR in the field. In 2016, WLP founder, Andrea Maki, orchestrated and helped in teaching The Science and Conservation Center’s PZP training course for Idaho BLM employees from Idaho’s six Herd Management Areas, along with WLP partners at the Youth Employment Program of Idaho.

For information about Wild Love Preserve’s work on the Challis HMA, and all 6 herd management areas in Idaho, which includes explanation of Native PZP-1YR, visit: Wild Wilds
Some Talking Points for the BLM:

1) Allocate more resources to fund and implement Wild Love Preserve's 5-year cooperative agreement with the BLM, which engages stakeholders, youth programs, and benefits the community.

2) Wild Love Preserve has demonstrated, via our programs and boots-on-the-ground implementation, that coexistence, humane treatment and sustainable management, protecting wild lives and indigenous habitats, and saving tax dollars, all work together within our multi-faceted model. WLP programs have saved American taxpayers over $7.5 million dollars since 2013.

3) Wild Love Preserve's inclusive conservation efforts offer a viable option to government helicopter roundups and removals, integrating total range health, collective harmony, balanced co-existence with indigenous wildlife, and livestock where applicable. The Native PZP-1YR fertility vaccine, which has proven safe and effective for over 25 years, is a key component of our multi-faceted conservation program. Educating stakeholders and the public to alternative options in collectively managing wild horse populations on native turf, by way of demonstration and implementation, serves to benefit other wild horse regions in western states, stakeholders, surrounding communities, and taxpayers.

4) Implement bait trap gather with hay, water or mineral blocks, in conjunction with PZP fertility program.

Thank you for your kindness, time, and support, and for being considerate in your comments to the Idaho BLM.

9 Years Ago Today

Nine years ago today in Idaho, things changed. It is in this exact moment, which I caught on film back on April 1, 2010, that I made a promise to 21 adopted Challis wild mares from the 2009 roundup, that I would do what I could, if anything, to help them find their way back to their home turf, albeit under new circumstances. I figured it would be a couple weeks or maybe a month of my time, and it offered me a little distraction from hospitals with my mom’s health situation. Never could I have imagined it would lead to Wild Love Preserve, and more so, that our mass adoption of all the 2012 Challis wild horses made available by the Idaho BLM on Jan 13, 2013 would happen only a few days following my mom’s crossing. Alas, my mom wasn’t about to miss the events and was sure to make her presence known and help things run smoothly. Over the last nine years we’ve saved hundreds of Idaho wild horses on their home turf and helped others in other parts of the country. Indeed, it’s wild love.

-Andrea Maki, Founder


Wild Love Feature Story

Spring has arrived and we’re sharing the March-April 2019 issue of Pet Connection Magazine featuring a story about Wild Love Preserve and our work in saving Idaho's wild horses on their native turf by bringing stakeholders together to work collaboratively on behalf of our collective whole. This greater Seattle area publication is available online + in print. To read “Hope and Heroism For America’s Wild Horses,” click here: bit.ly/pet-connect-mag-wild-love

For a downloadable PDF version of Pet Connection Magazine, visit:

Together, we keep the wild, wild.


Stone + Pearl Jam Give

Big News From Stone + Pearl Jam

Stone Gossard and Pearl Jam's Vitalogy Foundation have committed $20K towards Wild Love Preserve’s campaign to preserve western wild horses in their native habitats and nurture the legacy of indigenous ecosystems as an interconnected whole.

For more visit Pearl Jam News, Pearl Jam’s Instagram + Twitter Feed

Will you JOIN STONE + PJ AND help us meet our GOAL to raise $75K by March 16?

Click Here To Donate


Trimming Hooves

For those who have asked us about trimming our wild horse’s hooves... To meet BLM requirements at the time of our mass adoption following the 2012 Challis Roundup, Wild Love had to purchase this custom-built wild horse tilt-chute for trimming hooves, until being able to turn horses out to the private expanse we’re creating for them on their native turf where hooves wear naturally. Team WLP is lucky to have the heart and expertise of our lead vet and cowboy on board.

For more visit: WLP Adoption Project

Happy Hearts Day

“Wild Love Preserve is named such because it is dedicated to the greater good of our wild planet, now and for future generations, centering on humanity, compassion, sustainability, two-legged accountability and our responsibility to the whole.” —Andrea Maki


Support Wild Love's Wildlife Preserve

Wild Love Preserve’s legacy project includes the creation of our 10,000-acre wildlife preserve at Twin Sisters in the heart of Idaho's wild horse country, which is teeming with native wildlife and will serve as permanent home to our current 136 Challis-Idaho wild horses and future Idaho wild horses. This remarkable wild expanse is central to our work and will be protected in perpetuity, ensuring the lasting wildness of this indigenous environment as an interconnected whole for future generations through our collaborations, partnerships, youth employment and education programs, scientific research studies, eco-tourism, and youth camps. We’re working to raise the initial funding to secure this land acquisition asap so we can move WLP operations from our leased 400-acres to our permanent home, and prepare for Idaho wild horses not otherwise adopted from the upcoming Fall 2019 helicopter roundup of the Challis Herd. Wild Love is a WE project and together we're keeping the wild in Idaho’s wild horses and wild places. That which we do today shapes our tomorrow and we thank you for considering a tax-deductible gift in support of our Campaign for Wild Love Preserve’s 10,000-acre Wildlife Preserve at Twin Sisters.

Support Wild Love's 10,000-acre Wildlife Preserve

Our mailing address is : Wild Love Preserve 

8202 NE State Highway 104, Suite 102-33, 

Kingston, WA 98346


Our appreciation is immeasurable. Thank you for considering a tax-deductible contribution and for sharing our campaign with your circles. Please feel free to contact us with questions or other inquiries .

Andrea + Team Wild Love


Thank you for being part of Wild Love Preserve's legacy in lasting wildness.


Looking Back To The Beginning

Looking back to where we started. Because Wild Love founder, Andrea Maki, is a contemporary visual artist + photographer, her art is the foundation + visual force of Wild Love Preserve. In 2010-11 her “In Wild Eyes” installation launched with purpose creating a national buzz. Here’s the backstory from the announcement.


A Traveling Installation To Promote Support + Awareness

In response to a critical situation, contemporary visual artist and photographer, Andrea Maki, is creating an expansive wildlife preserve to protect and preserve our wild horses. "In Wild Eyes" is to experience her art, once again, acting as a tool to spread awareness and promote support for our environment, wildlife, and now, Wild Love Preserve. “On April 1, 2010, Wild Love was born of a purposeful, "chance" encounter and a promise made, eye to eye and heart to heart, with twenty-one wild Challis mares, most pregnant, from a 2009 government helicopter roundup. They have come from the wild, speak for the whole, and take us back to the wild under evolved circumstances. Nonprofit, Wild Love Preserve. is a unique and sustainable wildlife preserve in Central Idaho, dedicated to protecting native wild horses in their indigenous wild habitat, and preserving this unique ecosystem as an interconnected whole, now, and for generations far into the future. "In Wild Eyes" features select wild portraits from that fateful day. This installation includes six wild mares in captivity and one lone wild stallion, waiting, back home in the wild. A poignant contrast and man-made reality that symbolizes the lives of all our wild horses at the hand of man. At almost 6' high, these intimate wild horse constructions are intended to give a sense of what it is like to be surrounded, up close and personal, with these magical and magnificent wild beings. It is a privilege, it is wild paradise. To that, Wild Love is truly about us all, a reflection of our humanity.” - Andrea Maki
"The installation has the Andrea Maki look of hardcore elegance and compounded content that makes each of us consider beauty and reality transformed to a new level of heightened awareness. To see and experience Maki's latest efforts in spreading awareness is to face both the pathos and beauty of the wild mustang, an American icon, and our own history. Each large-scale image tells its' own story. But many times their actual size, scale and detail conspire to engage and mesmerize, linking images to one another, and the lone stallion, at yet another scale. Idea and content imbue this work with nuance, discovery, and emotion." - E. Press, April 2011

For more about Andrea Maki’s Art, visit: bit.ly/AndreaMaki-Art + AndreaMaki.com

All Content ©2010-11 Andrea Maki

Wrapping 2018

Dear Friends,

As 2018 draws to a close and we thunder towards another run around the sun, we leave you with this video from Wild Love. With your support we have been to able achieve goals many thought not possible, have saved hundreds of wild lives on their home turf, and continue our work on public and private lands in Idaho. Twenty-Eighteen also brought to fruition a hard-earned benchmark and we were excited to share news that Wild Love Preserve had our 10,000-acre wildlife preserve under contract. 
It takes a village to achieve big goals on behalf of our collective whole and lasting wildness. At this time we wish to Thank You for considering a year-end tax-deductible donation toward our January 30 deadline for Phase One funding of Wild Love's 10,000-acre Idaho wildlife preserve which will be protected in perpetuity... and open for you to visit once we move our 136 Challis-Idaho wild horses in 2019. 
As a 501(c)3 non-profit, Wild Love Preserve engages public and private lands to address all facets of regional wild horse population on their home turf. Our legacy project includes our inclusive wild horse conservation programs, conflict resolution, education platform, comprehensive range health, and our 10,000-acre wildlife preserve in the heart of Idaho's wild horse country which is teeming with indigenous wildlife and will serve as permanent home to our current 136 Challis-Idaho wild horses and future Idaho wild horses. The work we do in Idaho serves to benefit wild horses in other regions throughout the West.

Wishing You a Wild, Happy + Prosperous Twenty-Nineteen!

Andrea + Team Wild Love

8202 NE State Highway 104, #102-33 • Kingston, WA 98346
Wild Love Preserve is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit, Effective August 2010, Tax ID #27-3729450