Responsibility vs Passion

Often, in this life, we encounter those under the self-created impression they are already in the know, or in fact, know everything. Aside from it simply not being possible to know everything, folks of this mind-state are at times the least informed because they stand in their own way, blocking their own channels of receiving and further expansion of thought and being.

Society loves to create a one-size-fits-all box, label it, and assume it to be the "catch-all" for ease and filing purposes. However, that reflects society, not necessarily reality.

In this day of quick to assume labels, my actions have frequently been boxed up as passion-based. The presumption being that Wild Love Preserve is merely a personal “project of passion" singularly focused on wild horses, instead of those same ears listening, and recognizing their reflections equally exist in this hand-mirror of humanity. While they may commend my passion, they sidestep Wild Love Preserve's actual truth in being, and that this is an environmental shift project, centering squarely on mankind's interrelation to the whole.

Passion is wonderful. It is to be honored, respected, and nurtured. However, Wild Love Preserve speaks to cause and effect, and our responsibility to the sustainable well-being of wild environments in a factual regard. Human beings have created a condition which we must in turn acknowledge and address in a responsible, all-encompassing manner. This is not someone's else's problem to fix, nor is it in our distant backyards. This is at our front porch and impacts every one of us directly, whether you are aware of this fact or not.

Passion is not the nucleus of this wild project, but rather, and by design, Wild Love Preserve is firmly rooted in two-legged accountability in relation to the current and lasting health of our existence and operations. This wild mirror reflects each of us, the integrity of our humanity, our past, present and futures.  

passion |ˈpaSHən|, noun

a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something

responsibility |riˌspänsəˈbilətē|, noun

something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, a moral obligation to behave correctly toward or in respect of others

- Andrea Maki

Wild Love Preserve is not but a mere project of passion, this is a human accountability project. I, and accordingly Wild Love Preserve, are committed to the greater good of our wild planet, now and for the well-being of future generations. Project WLP centers upon humanity, sustainability, two-legged accountability and our responsibility to the whole.
— Andrea Maki, Inception of Wild Love Preserve 2010

PJ Activism

Big Shout Out and Thank You's to Pearl Jam Activism, Stone Gossard and Pearl Jam for joining with Wild Love Preserve in our mission to nurture the lasting legacy of our iconic wild horses and their indigenous ecosystems as a whole! Your support and action from the start have been instrumental to our work and will be forever appreciated! 

Big Hearts and Big Action Making a Big Difference on the Wild Side!

Earth Day

Special Shout Out to Our Friend Denis Hayes, Founder of Earth Day - You are Appreciated! 

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

Thank You all for joining with us in our work to care for the whole and nurture lasting wildness across the board. To walk this earth plane comes with a responsibility to be accountable to the environment and ALL living beings. Indeed we are stewards of this Planet Earth. 

Be Kind. Spread Love. Shine Bright. Be One. Our Greatest Strength is in Unity. You Matter!

The Rabbit Hole

Recently I received a kind invitation to write a Guest Blog from Author Linda Lee Kane. As we celebrate our 5th Year Anniversary the following post is the upshot of that invitational.  - A. Maki

The Rabbit Hole

Amid the passage of time, I feel all the more fortunate to have been born in 1966, and all the more appreciative of my family roots and paths traveled. Wild Love Preserve is a life story and a story of life, reflecting our humanity, our interconnectedness, the continuum and our responsibility to the whole. This project connects dots as it mirrors my being, my truth, and my art. As in life, people come and go, interpret and mis-interpret, and make presumptions based on their own stories versus hearing new truths. There is calm, and there are wildfires. One constant remains a beacon: staying the course no matter the surrounding waters. As with any truth in being, a project of this nature requires one to man the ship no matter the storm, what others think or say, do or don’t do. At the end of the day, the voice which resides within one's core is the absolute compass to follow.

As founder of nonprofit Wild Love Preserve, I am delighted to recognize our 5th Year Anniversary and express appreciation for those who have supported this project in a multitude of ways. Down the rabbit hole I went five years ago, unsuspecting of the depths that lie ahead as result of keeping my word with Idaho wilds that happened upon my path. At that time I welcomed a momentary distraction from multiple years in hospitals with my mom. I had imagined my assist to be a quick turn around, however, this trajectory organically evolved into what has become a monumental project. I have been pleasantly surprised to find support often comes from the opposite end of the spectrum, and equally surprised by the cutthroat behavior of the least suspecting. 

As an only child, I grew up an observer and a sharer. Even as a shy small child, I always spoke up when it came to justness and was raised to help others without need to chat about it. Being accountable to the whole is simply an everyday way of being, and I count myself lucky that animals of all kinds have always known to cross my path when in need of a hand, as my day will turn on a dime to assist. That said, my preferred low-key ways were no match for the scale of Wild Love Preserve, requiring me to step out of my quiet comfort zone. My pockets alone are not deep enough to implement all facets of this lasting wild project, however of the countless challenges faced, receiving assistance in fundraising has proven the greatest hurdle. All things purposeful, project delays are easily remedied upon infusion of funding because we have remained in constant motion, logistics aligned within a solid  foundation.

Project Wild Love Preserve (WLP) engages public and private lands to address all facets of regional wild horse conservation on home turf in Central Idaho, from our adopted 130 Challis/Idaho wilds to collaborative work on the range. From the onset we have been boots on the ground and face to face with all stakeholders, charting new territory on behalf of the whole. Extreme divides at one time thought insurmountable have been bridged, and a new and ever-evolving norm now exists which requires continued perseverance and due diligence.

The WLP mission remains steadfast in our work to protect and preserve native wild horses in their native environment and nurture the legacy of respective indigenous ecosystems as a whole, in a responsible and sustainable manner with regional engagement and benefit. All is interconnected - kindness, mutual respect, science, and education are paramount. As result of our adoption project in 2012-13 and collaborative work on the range we have not only saved wild lives, we have saved American taxpayers $3.5 million dollars since 2013.

Often the “fight” is considered the only true means of stating one’s case and demanding change. To that, finding common ground should not be mistaken as weakness nor defeat by any means, in fact, it requires great resolve to establish working relations among differing views and intense adversity. While naysayers have been ever-present since inception, from the onset Wild Love Preserve has chosen a path of bridging divides and bringing stakeholders together in a new light, offering a fresh way of daily being, much needed collective harmony and co-existence. It takes a village to implement lasting positive change and many of those original naysayers have since taken to following WLP’s lead. Together we can rise above drawn lines if we so choose. 

In closing, wild horses are not voiceless. All animals have a voice. The problem lies in human beings opening their minds, hearts and ears to listen. Animals are our teachers, and man has much to learn. The misguided belief that man sits atop a pyramid of life, superior to all else, has brought us to the overall state we are in today. Many are disconnected, concerned only with their own immediate needs and desires. They fall short of understanding that two-leggeds are but a mere part of the whole, and that within that whole lies a very delicate balance which must be respected and nurtured, now and for the well-being of future generations.

In truth, the magic of life lies within a sacred circle and it is our responsibility to act accordingly on behalf of our collective greater good. To walk this planet earth must never be taken for granted.

- Andrea Maki, April 2015


Flashback Friday

Following the 2002-03 "Spirit of One" Arctic Calendar to promote support and awareness for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska after adventures there in 2002, 2005-06 brought production of the "In The Spirit of One -To Save the Wild Horses" B&W Calendar to promote support and awareness for our iconic wild horses.

Animal Welfare Institute kindly assisted in hand deliveries to all of Congress (555 Calendars), January 2006

Alaska Wilderness League kindly assisted in hand deliveries to all of Congress (555 Calendars), January 2003

12" Square Formats. All Content © Andrea Maki +

See Ya On The Wild Side!

Spring-Fall Wild Horse Adventures 2015: Another Wild Season Is Upon Us!

We Invite You To Come, Experience The Wilds of Central Idaho - Challis Wild Horse Country, Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, The Pahsimeroi and Little Lost River Valley. 

Book your wild adventures today for the experience of a lifetime! Visit WILD ADVENTURES for details and we'll see ya' on the wild side!

BE A WLP Lifeguard!

In Celebration of Wild Love Preserve's 5th Year Anniversary we're thrilled to launch this T-Shirt Fundraising Campaign featuring our favorite WLP Lifeguard T-shirts in classic Lifeguard Red and Navy. 




T-Shirt Design and All Content ©2014 Andrea Maki + Wild Love Preserve™, All Rights Reserved.

Set Yourself Free

Happy Spring 2015!  Are you ready for some once-in-lifetime kind of fun? Let's do it! 

We have another wild adventure season upon us and are starting to book your unique day, overnight and week trips.  Visit WILD ADVENTURES to Create Your Customized Wild Horse Experience!

Wide Open Spaces. Limitless Possibilities. Pure, Wild, Beauty.  Magic Under the Stars.

Experience The Wilds of Central Idaho - Challis Wild Horse Country, Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, The Pahsimeroi and Little Lost River Valley.

Wild Love Preserve and Seeks Out Adventures Invite You to Experience The Wilds of Idaho!

Behind The Scenes

Back on August 30, 2014: We do it on horseback! A behind the scenes look at Team WLP turning out our 126 Challis, Idaho wild horses to 200+ acres after 18 months in fenced corrals, separated geldings from mares, to meet BLM requirements.

Happiness is... our wilds co-mingling again and establishing new and lasting family bands. Next stop: WLP permanent wild expanse right here at home in Custer County, Idaho.

We LOVE our wild crew: two-legged and four!

You can join us with your contribution, visit Giving 2015 for more.

Video ©Andrea Maki 2014

Give and Receive Big Love

It’s Wild Love Month. The Time Is Now.

Your giving nurtures lasting wildness! For more, our Fundraising Wish List outlines current areas where you can have immediate positive impact in humane and sustainable wild horse conservation on home turf in Central Idaho. Your contribution also offers us opportunity to express our appreciation by adding your name to the WLP Giving List. 

Thank you for being the difference and joining us in wildness forever.

You Matter

February 2015 marks our 5th Annual "Wild Love Month"! We work to serve the well-being of approximately 330 native wild horses - from the 200+ roaming free on the Challis Herd Management Area (HMA) to the 130 Challis, Idaho wild horses we purchased and adopted following the BLM's 2012 Helicopter Roundup of the Challis HMA. By design our adopted 130 have been pulled from the federally funded system to instead remain wild and forever together on permanently protected WLP wild expanse on home turf in Central Idaho. 

It takes a village to implement lasting change. As a grassroots, boots-on-the-ground non-profit, your support makes it all happen. Wild Love Preserve's Fundraising Wish List outlines areas where you can have an immediate positive impact in wild lives and help us, help them.  

Thank you for caring, love is action.  You Matter - You Make a Difference.

Video ©Andrea Maki 2014. Music ©Queen.

Our Teachers

"Animals are our teachers, man has much to learn. Humans are not superior to all else. The belief that man sits atop a pyramid of life, here to do as he pleases, has brought us to the state we are in today. At the extreme cost of the whole, many two-leggeds are disconnected and concerned only with their own immediate needs and desires. They fall short of understanding that humans are but a mere part of the whole and that within that whole lies a very delicate balance. The magic of life lies within a sacred circle. As humans we have a responsibility and we have a choice. Life requires our participation, to fully engage. To walk this earth must not be taken for granted. It is our responsibility to protect and care for the land. To respect the earth and all its inhabitants, acting with conscience and awareness. It is vital that we learn from the past and apply that knowledge in a positive manner moving forward."  A. Maki, 2002